Published journal articles with links to downloadable copies of each. Most of these publications are also available via ResearchGate
Tools for increasing visual encounter probabilities for invasive species removal: a case study of brown treesnakes
S. Amburgey, A.A. Yackel Adams, B. Gardner, B. Lardner, A.J. Knox, S.J. Converse.Neobiota, 2021.
Evaluation of camera trap-based abundance estimators for unmarked populations
S. Amburgey, A.A. Yackel Adams, B. Gardner, N.J. Hostetter, S.R. Siers, B.T. McClintock, S.J. Converse.Ecological Applications, 2021.
The influence of species life history and distribution characteristics on species responses to habitat fragmentation in an urban landscape
S. Amburgey, D.A.W. Miller, C.J. Rochester, K. Delaney, S. Riley, C.S. Brehme, S.A. Hathaway, R.N. Fisher.Journal of Animal Ecology, 2020.
Factors Facilitating Co-occurrence at the Range Boundary of Shenandoah and Red-Backed Salamanders
S. Amburgey, D.A.W. Miller, A. Brand, A. Dietrich, E.H. Campbell Grant.Journal of Herpetology, 2020.
Knowing your limits: estimating range boundaries and co-occurrence zones for two competing plethodontid salamanders
S. Amburgey, D.A.W. Miller, A. Brand, A. Dietrich, E.H. Campbell Grant.Ecosphere, 2019.
Twenty-nine years of population dynamics in a small-bodied montane amphibian
E. Muths, R. Scherer, S. M. Amburgey, and P. S. Corn.Ecosphere, 2018.
Quantifying climate sensitivity and climate-driven change in North American amphibian communities
D.A.W. Miller, E.H.C. Grant, E. Muths, S.M. Amburgey, M.J. Adams, M.B. Joseph, J.H. Waddle, P.T.J. Johnson, M.E. Ryan, B.R. Schmidt, D.L. Calhoun, C.L. Davis, R.N. Fisher, D.M. Green, B.R. Hossack, T.A.G. Rittenhouse, S.C. Walls, L.L. Bailey, S.S. Cruickshank, G.M. Fellers, T.A. Gorman, C.A. Haas, W. Hughson, D.S. Pilliod, S.J. Price, A.M. Ray, W. Sadinski, D. Saenz, W.J. Barichivich, A. Brand, C.S. Brehme, R. Dagit, K.S. Delaney, B.M. Glorioso, L.B. Kats, P.M. Kleeman, C.A. Pearl, C.J. Rochester, S.P.D. Riley, M. Roth, B.H. Sigafus.Nature Communications, 2018.
Range position and climate sensitivity: The structure of among-population demographic responses to climatic variation
S. Amburgey, D.A.W. Miller, E.H.C. Grant, T.A.G. Rittenhouse, M.F. Benard, J.L. Richardson, M.C. Urban, W. Hughson, A.B. Brand, C.J. Davis, C.R. Hardin, P.W.C. Paton, C.J. Raithel, R.A. Relyea, A. Floyd Scott, D.K. Skelly, D.E. Skidds, C.K. Smith, and E.E. Werner.Global Change Biology, 2017.
Press on this paper:Phenotypic plasticity in developmental rate is insufficient to offset high tadpole mortality in rapidly drying ponds
S. Amburgey, M. Murphy, and W. C. Funk.Ecosphere, 2016.
First Estimates of the Probability of Survival in a Small-bodied, High Elevation Frog or, how Historical Data Can Be Useful
E. Muths, R.D. Scherer, S.M. Amburgey, T. Matthews, A.W. Spencer, P.S. Corn.Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2016.
Quantitative evidence for the effects of multiple drivers on continental-scale amphibian declines
E.H.C. Grant, D.A.W. Miller, B.R. Schmidt, M.J. Adams, S. Amburgey, T. Chambert, S.S. Cruickshank, R.N. Fisher, D.M. Green, B.R. Hossack, P.T.J. Johnson, M.B. Joseph, T. Rittenhouse, M. Ryan, J.H. Waddle, S.C. Walls, L.L. Bailey, G.M. Fellers, T.A. Gorman, A.M. Ray, D.S. Pilliod, S.J. Price, D. Saenz, W. Sadinski, and E. Muths.Scientific Reports, 2016.
Press on this paper:Elevational speciation in action? Restricted gene flow associated with adaptive divergence across an altitudinal gradient
W.C. Funk, M.A. Murphy, K.L. Hoke, E. Muths, S. Amburgey, E.M. Lemmon and A.R. Lemmon.Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2015.
The effects of hydropattern and predator communities on amphibian occupancy
S. Amburgey, L. L. Bailey, M. Murphy, E. Muths, W.C. Funk.Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2014.
Demography of common toads after local extirpation of co-occurring midwife toads
J. Bosch, S. Fernández-Beaskoetxea, R.D. Scherer, S. Amburgey, and E. Muths.Amphibia-Reptilia, 2014.
Effects of hydroperiod duration on survival, developmental rate, and size at metamorphosis in boreal chorus frog tadpoles (Pseudacris maculata)
S. Amburgey, W.C. Funk, M. Murphy, and E. Muths.Herpetologica, 2012.